A numismatic quiz is held at the end of the club meeting. The person
who won the quiz gives the next quiz. The subject of the quiz is
chosen by the person who won the previous quiz and announced at
that time to allow time to study the subject. The quiz is generally
taken from the current edition of "The Official RED BOOK a Guide
Book of UNITED STATES COINS" by R. S. Yeoman edited by Kenneth Bressett.
The quiz consists of 10 true / false questions and several tie breaker
fill in the blank questions. A prize is awarded for giving
a quiz.
Quiz Schedule
Meeting Date |
Quiz Subject |
Quiz Master |
January 28, 1997 |
Buffalo Nickels |
Dennis Schafluetzel |
February 22, 2010 |
Coin Die Varieties & Die Production Theory |
David C. |